Technical Data

…the art of applying science to problems

Not all light is created equal

The Electromagnetic Spectrum covers a wide range of frequencies. All light energy comes from our Sun and passes through our atmosphere to the surface of the Earth. Over time, organisms on Earth have evolved to live with these conditions. However, UVC light does not reach the Surface of the Earth because it is filtered by the Ozone Layer in our upper atmosphere

Organisms such as Bacteria and Viruses have no protection from UVC Radiation particularly at the frequency of 254 nm (nano-meters). At this wavelength, their DNA which consist of organic molecules of a nucleoside and a phosphate that are broken by the UVC Radiation rendering the Pathogen harmless.

A standard Patient Room model with a Model: Viralink600A working

Thorough mixing of room air
Achieving a high degree of turbulence

We produced a Computation Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model

The images show a representation of a typical patient room with our Model: UF600A in the center of the room.

As can be seen, the air flow shows dramatic turbulence and very well mixed air for efficacy.

White Papers and other Scientific publications:

Journal of Virology – American Society of Microbiology – UVC Kills Viruses

Pathogen Kill Data – Compiled by: ClorDiSys of New Jersey, USA

ScienceGate – UVC Handbook

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Internet Links: Full credit is given to each contributor