…the art of applying science to problems

“Rapid and complete inactivation of SARS-CoV-2

by ultraviolet-C irradiation”

Trademarks & Patents
Asepsis Air Products & VIRALINK
are Registered Trademarks
Filed Patents
The technology used in these products are covered by Patent Filings in:
United Kingdom & United States


Advanced Air Disinfecting with VIRALINK® – The energy to destroy SARS-CoV-2                                                                        TOTALLY

We can destroy all the SARS-CoV-2 viruses from the air in a
60 cubic meter room in less than 7 mins or over 200 times/day

This is exactly what is needed in our schools

Sunlight or more specifically solar UV radiation (UV), acts as the principal natural virucide in the environment. UV radiation kills viruses by chemically modifying their genetic material, DNA and RNA. The most effective wavelength for inactivation, 260 nm, falls in the UVC range, so-named to differentiate it from near-UV found in ground-level sunlight, i.e., the UVB and UVA portions of the spectrum, 290 to 320 nm and 320 to 380 nm, respectively. Nucleic acids are damaged also by UVB and UVA but with lower efficiency than by UVC radiation.

We needed a way to determine exactly what UVC Radiation Energy Flux was needed to destroy the Pathogen we are interested in. Now we have…


All Pathogens have a required ‘Dose’ to bring about their destruction. We have derived an algorithm that will calculate the exact adjustment our equipment needs to be set to in order to destroy any pathogen…just ‘Dial it In’ and the virus or bacteria will be destroyed. This gives the user total control over what pathogen or level of lethality you need to produce totally pathogen free sterilized air.

You select the Pathogen you want protection from and let VIRALINK destroy it for you

Infections are caused by breading in pathogenic air

let us disinfect your next breath…so it won’t be your last

With the correct “Dose”, any Pathogen can be completely destroyed.

We will take care of the air you breathe
so you can breathe easy

How it works